Friday, February 8, 2013

A Single Glass of Wine

One Chair
(c) 7/14/74

One Chair at a table
one place setting
    a single glass of wine
a lone mind thinking
a solitary heart deeply weeping
   for a love lost forever
A love torn apart by cupid’s enemies
A love worn and tattered from giving
and seldom receiving
A love doomed and filled
with the undying
  lynching sense
of an angry mob
waiting…to tear your heart from within you
as it ripped him from your bosom

A love for real
A love for real
A love that hurts

A king sized bed that holds no king
to grace its desolate sheets
A lonely woman who needs a man
Wants a man
but has again slipped beneath the shroud
A heart exposed
A heart can be broken in so many pieces
until it ceases to exist

A heart broken even in one place is broken once to often
A heart healed, hesitates to reach out into chaos
and chance to be slaughtered by another of
Cupid’s arrows
One heartbreak is enough for one who takes so long to recover
For one who wants and needs to go on living and loving

One, disenchanted woman
Holding a flaming torch for the wrong man

One chair at a table
One  place setting
 a single glass of wine
A lone mind thinking
A solitary heart deeply weeping
 for a love lost forever

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