Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Joy of Children

47 pounds of 3 year old muscle. Carbohydrate high all the time. High fructose corn syrup keeps him on the move.

My favorite Cowboy
"Its a bright and sunny day Grandma." Busy pulling on all manner of weird articles of clothing. I gotta go, get up and drive the car for me. Happy meal. Happy drink. Happy toy.  Check and Check. Grandma. My clothes. Where are clothes? Find it. Find it. I can't find it. Where are my shoes? Grandma, I found my shoes. Check."

It is 11:19 at night. He is wearing his outdoor jacket, a white t-shirt, and a diaper.

"Grandma. I need a lot of fishies. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Grandma. Let's find a lot of fishies. lets find a lot of fishes at the supermarket. Chocolate. Chocolate. Are you putting chocolate cake in the trolley?"

"Moo Moo can't do that loud. He boring. Can we go fishy supermarket. Grandma wanna leave the house with Justin Beiber? Grandma, give me new pants and jacket."

Oh did I say what time it is? All of this to get me to turn the television back on and give him a sippy cup of sweet juice before bed.

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